Our Report Manager lets you:
- Access over 200 accounting reports providing high-quality business performance analysis.
- Report in both base and foreign currency where relevant.
- Run multiple reports or the same report with different parameters.
- Export the report with the selected parameters to Word, Excel, XLS, CSV, and PDF.
11.0 Reporting and Data Query Overview - AIQ Academy
Accessing Reports
Step One: Select the Report
- Go to Reports > Report Manager.
- Select a report by either:
- Searching in the field in the top-left of the Report Manager screen.
- Selecting from the groups in the sidebar.
- Under Reports, select the report. The report's data parameters will appear under Filter Data By.
Step Two: Select Parameters
Each report has parameters corresponding to the report fields, such as dates, account names, and transaction types. Most parameters will contain default values but if you change them, and the system will remember your selection. The most common parameters are:
- Date ranges: Select a 'from' and a 'to' date to restrict the dates included in the report from the calendar or enter the date manually.
- Drop-downs (single-select): Select one item from the list.
- Drop-down (multi-select): Select more than one item. For example, to generate a Supplier remittance for several Supplier accounts, select all relevant Suppliers.
- Free Text Entry: Enter directly in the field.
The parameters normally appear in the header section of each report. When you run some reports there is an option Show Header. Select No if you are exporting to Excel for further analysis as headers can interfere with user-defined formulas.

Step Three: View the Report
Generate a report by clicking View. This creates a new tab. Many of the reports feature a drill-down capability where you can click on the figures to view its breakdown.

In the header, find the following:
- Navigate: You can open several reports and navigate between them. Use the single arrows to navigate page by page or the double arrows to skip to the beginning or end. Click the back arrow to navigate to the top screen.
- Refresh: Click the Refresh icon to bring in any new data into the report.
- Export: Select the desired format from the dropdown.
- Search: This will find a term in the report.
In the footer, find the following:
- Print: Generate a PDF print file. Ensure that you have Adobe Reader installed to open the report as a PDF.
- Email: Email the report directly. This opens the email screen with the report attached as a PDF document. The 'from' email address defaults to the email saved in the user profile.
- Full Screen View: Open the report in full-screen mode.
- Change Filters: This lets you view multiple versions of the same report in different tabs by selecting new parameters. Click View to re-generate the report.
- Close Report: When you are finished viewing a report, close its tab.
Favouriting Reports
As we have over 200 reports, you can save them for easy access.
- In Reports > Report Manager, select the relevant report.
- Click Add to My Reports. (Re-click to remove from the report.)
Now the favourited report will appear in the My Reports tab:
And automatically in the Favourites > Reports tab:
Using Period-based Reporting
Date Format
Most reports use the date format specified in your browser's language settings:
- If your language setting is English UK, the date parameters will be in date/month/year format.
- If your language setting is English US, it will be in month/date/year format.
Financial Periods
General Ledger Reports show the Calendar Period. If your financial period differs, ensure you select the correct financial year and always double-check the Calendar Period field prior to using the report data.
Financial Years
Search Financial years as follows:
- Calendar financial year: January 2024 to December 2024 would appear as the year 2024, or the year ending 2024. To view a Trial Balance for August 2024, select Financial Year - 2024 and Financial Period - August.
Non-calendar financial year: March 2023 to February 2024 would appear as the year 2024 as the last period is February 2024, or the year ending 2024. To view a Trial Balance for the month of August 2023, select Financial Year - 2024 and Financial Period - August.
It is possible to have a Retail Calendar applied for your reports. Please contact your local support team to find out more about this.
Custom Reporting requirements
If none of the Reports included in the Dashboards, General Ledger Explorer or Report Manager meet your requirements, please contact your local support team for information on custom reports.