Using the GL Explorer

Using the GL Explorer and Drill Down to Analyses your P & L, Trial Balance and Balance Sheet Reports.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 21st, 2025


The GL Explorer gives both summary and drilldown reports for all your GL accounts, including:

  • Profit & Loss Reports
  • Balance Sheets
  • Trial Balance

Track performance with year and period-to-date variance to budget and prior periods. Include Dimension Codes for further analysis.

Report Drilldown

The layout and sort-order reflect each report layout with each level being progressively more detailed.

  • Both the GL Category and Sub-Category have a sort order that determines how they will appear in the Report.
  • Each GL Account Code appears in numerical or alphabetic sequence within its associated GL Sub-Category.
  • The GL Account Codes balance links to the Transaction Browser displaying all transactions that make up that amount. These transactions then link to the associated Customer, Supplier, or Bank accounts.


General Ledger Overview (7.0) - AIQ Academy

GL Explorer (11.4) - AIQ Academy

Query Tools (GL Explorer, Transaction browser) (1.6) - AIQ Academy

Consolidated Reporting (12.3) - AIQ Academy

Managing General Ledger Accounts 

Changing a Report layout‍ 

Using the Transaction Browser‍ 


Selecting Enquiry Parameters 

  1. Go to GL > GL Explorer.
  2. First, select your parameters:
    • Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance: Select which type of Report you wish to examine.
    • View: Select either Period values or Year to Date values.
    • Dataset: Select Actual, Budget, or Revised Budget values. Underneath the Dataset parameters you can view the Period and Year selection for that Dataset.  
    • Compare with: Select either Actual, Budget, and Revised Budget, together with the date parameters.
    • Analyse By: This is for BI Code‍ Report based Enquiries. Filter your chosen dataset further by selecting a Dimension here. If you have not set up any Dimensions and Elements yet, then this dropdown will be disabled. Once you select a particular Dimension, the related Elements will appear in the associated dropdown for selection.
  3. Click Apply Filter to display the chosen values.
  4. Click Refresh data to update your data as other users could have added new transactions to the system. 

The last set of Parameters you use in a session will be saved automatically and then display next time you open the GL Explorer. Remember to click Refresh to get the latest data.


Using Extended Business Analysis‍ 

Using Extended Business Analysis for Job or Project Analysis‍ 


Using the Drill Down Features

Use the drill-down features to examine your data. Export on the bottom left-hand corner of the GL Explorer Window lets you export your results as word, excel, or PDF. 

Data refreshes in the following instances:

  • When consolidation is run.
  • When a user renders a report or dashboard that indicates it should be refreshed prior.
  • When the Refresh button is clicked in the GL Explorer.
  • When the Refresh button is clicked in the GL Listing.
  • Prior to period / year closing

Drilling Down to Transaction-level in Trading Entities

Click the arrows to Drill down to the next level, from General Ledger Category to General Ledger Sub-Category, and then to General Ledger Account Code. Click the arrows again to exit from the detailed level and return to the summary level. Click any of the balances to open the Transaction Browser and view the list of transactions making up that Amount. See Amend, Cancel or Delete Transactions‍ for details on making any changes.

Drilling Down to Transaction-level in Consolidation Entities

In a Consolidation Entity, you can drill down to the transactions in both the Sub-Consolidation and Trading Entities. 

  • When drilling into Sub-Consolidation Entities, only GL Journals created within a Sub-Consolidation Entity will be visible.
  • The balance appearing for the Trading Entities is in the currency of that entity, not the currency of the Consolidation Entity.

Clicking in any of the balances will show a list of transactions that make up that balance. Any changes to these transactions can only be performed in that entity.


Using the Transaction Browser‍ 

Amend, Cancel or Delete Transactions‍