Recurring invoices can be used to invoice for services, maintenance, or frequent delivery. They can be set up to recur automatically at weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly intervals. The system will remind you when recurring invoices are due to be generated. At this stage, you can change any details as needed.
To use recurring invoices, your user profile must have the Recurring Invoices permission. See Setting Up System Users for more details.

Creating a Recurring Sales Invoice
Step One: Complete the Item Invoice
- Go to AR > Item Invoices > New Item Invoice.
- Complete a Sales Item Invoice as normal but check Save as Recurring Invoice.
- Go to Save.
- To post the first Invoice now, click Save > Post & Print Invoice. This will also create a Recurring Invoice template.
- Alternatively, just click Save if you want to make changes and generate it later.
Step Two: Setting up the Recurrence
- Saving the invoice will open the System Recurring Transaction screen. Complete the header details as required:
- Name: Provide further detail for identification purposes.
- Frequency: Enter the Frequency of Invoice generation. If you select the Weekly Frequency option, then you must also provide the Day of the Week on which the forward Invoices are to occur.
- Start Day: Select from the dropdown.
- End Date: If the Invoice is for a limited time, such as if a SaaS Contract will expire, then you should enter an End Date either on or shortly after the date the last Recurring Invoice is due.
Copy line details from the previous invoice: If you made changes in the previous Invoice that you want to carry forward, check this.
- These are informational only:
- Account: The Customer Name will appear here.
- Start Date: For non-weekly frequencies, Invoices will recur on the anniversary of the Start Date.
- Click Refresh List to view a listing of the forward transactions for the next two or for the Start and End Dates selected.
- Invoices in green are past the Invoice date, allowing you to generate and post them.
- Invoices in yellow are the next scheduled for recurrence.
- Generate as many forward transactions as you wish by checking the relevant entries in the Generate column.
- Click Process.
Managing Recurring Invoices
Recurring invoices can be managed via the Recurring Invoices listing grid. Go to AR > Recurring. The number of recurring invoices due will appear in the menu.
Click the Recurring Invoice Name code in the Name column:

Generate a recurring invoice:
Click Generate in the Recurring Invoice Grid. This will produce an Invoice for the date listed in the Next Due Date column.

Post a Recurring Invoice:
To update the General Ledger, they must be posted. In the Item Invoice grid, select ‘Recurring’ in the Recurring column. If necessary, you can also filter by Due Date. In the Post column, check all relevant Recurring Invoices. Click Post Selected.

Cancelling and Discontinuing Recurring Invoices
Go to AR > Recurring and click on the Invoice code in the Name column. This opens the System Recurring Transactions Setting.
Cancelling a Recurring Invoice
- Cancel one or more Recurring Invoices by clicking on the icon in the Cancel column against the relevant Invoice.
- In the screen that appears, enter a reason for the cancellation and click Update if you wish to proceed, or else Cancel.
Discontinuing a Recurring Invoice
- To discontinue a Recurring Invoice, uncheck Active.
- Click Process. You will no longer be able to generate Invoices in the Recurring Invoice grid or within that System Recurring Transactions Setting screen. However, this will not affect any saved or posted Recurring Invoices.
Editing Recurring Invoice Details
Recurring Invoices can be edited in the following states:
- In a Processed state.
- In a Pro forma state.
- Does not have a posted status.
- Go to AR > Recurring and click on the Invoice code in the Name column. This opens the System Recurring Transactions Setting screen.
- Click the relevant Int No. to open the Sales Item Invoice screen.
- Edit the details as necessary. If you checked Copy Line details from the previous invoice, then future generated invoices will have the edited details.
EDI File Generation
If you operate or deal with supermarkets, you can generate an EDI file to send sales invoices in electronic soft copy format rather than PDF. Each debtor needs to be linked to a file format in their Customer Master Record in the Finance Settings tab.
- Create a Sales Invoice.
- Go to AR > EDI Extracts and create and save the file to send to your debtor.