The amendments you can make to transactions depend on transaction status and type.
Transaction Status
- Posted Transactions: You can make limited edits to complex transactions containing single or multiple Product Lines, or inventory changes. Examples include amendments to Departmental and General Ledger Account postings. If these transactions require significant edits, then use the Auto-Credit and Auto-Debit facilities on these Invoice Types (or Reversal facilities if available) and re-enter them.
- Unposted Transactions: You can make as many amendments as needed.
- Allocated Transactions: For most edits, unallocate them first, then amend and reallocate them as required.
Transaction Type
You can significantly amend most transaction types, including:
- Batch Transactions
- Quick Entry Transactions
- Payments Journals
- Debit/Credit Journals
You cannot significantly amend:
- Transactions that appeared in a VAT (Tax) Return.
- Transactions used in a Bank Reconciliation.
- Transactions from a Closed Period. You need to reopen the period.
Transactions cannot be deleted from the system. Any changes to them are documented by the system for review. However, in some cases, you can cancel Invoices and Orders.
Add Edit Customers (3.1) - AIQ Academy
Purchase Batch Invoice (4.4) - AIQ Academy
Purchase Batch Debit Note (4.5) - AIQ Academy
Sales Batch Invoices Credit Notes (3.4) - AIQ Academy
Rules for Editing, Reversing and Cancelling Transactions
Editing Transactions
Security rules that control edits
- You need the correct profile settings to amend transactions.
- You can only amend transactions from an Open Period. The exceptions are the Description and Ext Ref fields, which you can amend at any time from the Transaction Browser.
- You can only amend transactions that are Unallocated, Unreconciled (on a Bank Statement), or Unreturned (from a Tax perspective). To edit Allocated Transactions, you must change their status to Unallocated.
- You can only amend transactions not used for a VAT (Tax) Return. If the transaction is on a saved VAT (Tax) Return, you can uncheck the transaction to edit it.
- If the transaction is on a saved Bank Reconciliation, you can uncheck it to edit it. If a transaction is on a Reconciled Bank Reconciliation, only Admin users can unreconcile the bank, uncheck the transaction, and edit it.
Fields that can be edited
- Transaction Date: This will automatically update the Period Date of the transaction. When you amend a transaction date, you must amend it on the Control Account line so that the other transaction lines will inherit it.
- Supplier (Vendor)/Customer/Bank Account Code: Check that the exchange rate and base currency amount are correct. When changing the Supplier or Customer account for a transaction, if the currencies differ, the system takes the current exchange rate from the currency table and recalculates the base currency amount accordingly.
- General Ledger Code
- Description: You can amend this at any time from the transaction browser.
- Transaction amount: You can change this on all transactions except Product related Invoices/Credit Notes. To edit these documents, reverse them by creating a Credit Note followed by a new document.
- Tax Code: On Batch Invoices/Credit Notes (Sales and Purchases), you can change the Tax Code, but you need to manually change the corresponding line code and amount. If you change the Tax Code on the net line of an Invoice, and not the Tax Code on the corresponding Tax line, the Tax reporting and return may be incorrect.
- BI Code
Reversing Transactions
You can Reverse some transactions:
- Sales and Purchase Invoices (Batch)
- Sales and Purchase Credit / Debit Notes (Batch)
- Sales and Purchase Invoices (Item) (Use the Sales Item Credit Note or Purchase Item Debit Note)
- Sales Receipts
- Purchase Payments
- Bank Receipts
- Bank Payments
- Sales and Purchases Credit / Debit Journals
- Bank Credit / Debit Journals
- General Ledger Credit Journals
- General Ledger Debit Journals
Cancelling Invoices and Credit Notes
You can cancel Invoices and Credit Notes if:
- You have not posted the Invoice or Credit Note. If you have posted them, then raise a Credit Note or Journal.
- The Invoice did not come from an Order. It is not possible to cancel an Invoice and revert the related Order back to an uninvoiced state.
- The Invoice does not contain any Stock (Inventory) Item Codes. Cancelling would have Inventory implications.
- Your Supplier Invoices are subject to Approval.
Simple Edits
- Go to GL > Transaction Browser.
- Here you can edit the Description and Ext. Ref. fields. To accept your edits, click the tick icon or else cancel by clicking the x icon.
Delete Transactions
For complete Data Integrity and Traceability, it is not possible to Delete a transaction from the system once you enter it, although you can cancel some Invoices. Instead, you can Reverse or Auto Credit/Auto-Debit a transaction. It will still be visible within the system but have the same effect as a deletion. When you Reverse or Auto-Credit /Auto-Debit a Transaction, all related Postings are also reversed.
If you reverse an Invoice, then the following postings will also be reversed:
- GL Control Account
- GL Tax Account
- GL Income or Costs Account
- Sales or Purchase Analysis data
Duplicate Transactions
If you have a complex Product/Item Type Invoice which you want to amend beyond what’s available for a Posted Transaction, you can duplicate it and then Reverse the original. This process produces an Unposted Transaction (Processed) which you can fully amend.
- Find the Transaction in question and click on its reference number to open it.
- Click Duplicate.
- In the copy, enter a new External Ref.
- Click Save but do not click Post. This will then create your Unposted duplicate transaction which you can now amend.
- You can then proceed to Auto-Debit or Auto-Credit the original transaction (as described in the previous section) and then proceed to post and/or print the duplicated transaction.
Amend Unposted Transactions
Unposted Transactions can be amended completely.
- Go to the relevant AR or AP listings and open the transaction by clicking on its code.
- You can edit the Customer Account Code or any of the Customer details, delete Lines (F8 or FN+F8), amend Lines (Product Code, BI Code, Quantity, Price, VAT (Tax)) and add new Lines. You cannot fully delete the entire transaction, but you can reuse it as if it were a completely new transaction.
Cancel Unposted Transactions
If a transaction is in an open state:
- Go to the relevant AR or AP listing grid and find the transaction.
- Under Actions, select Cancel Quote, Cancel Order, or Cancel Invoice as relevant.
For purchases, the Cancel Invoice action allows:- The cancelling of an invoice that is waiting for approval. The approver will be notified that the invoice does not require approval anymore.
- The cancelling of an Invoice in the AP Inbox that is awaiting a response from the AP user. This could be a result of an error, duplicate, or if it is not an invoice at all, e.g. an Account statement.
- The cancelling of an Invoice that is coming from or linked to a Purchase Order. This action will unlink the Order from the Invoice to allow the Order to be invoiced again.
Alternatively, open the transaction and click on the relevant cancel button.
Amend Batch Transactions
Editing the Transaction
- Go to GL > Transaction Browser.
- Find your transaction and click Edit.
- In the Transaction Details screen, click the pencil icon in the line you want to edit.
- Only the fields you can edit become available for editing. In this example, a Batch Purchase Invoice has a status of Posted. This means you can amend the Transaction details extensively, including:
- Transaction Date
- Account
- GL Account
- Net Amounts and BC Amount. This also amends the associated GL Postings.
- Rate of Exchange
- Tax Rate. If you change the Tax Rate, you must manually calculate the Tax Amount, but the remaining amounts automatically calculate.
- BI Code
- If you wish to cancel any amendments, click the blue Reverse arrows on the right. To Dispute or Reverse the transaction, use the buttons at the bottom left.
- Click Process Edits.
Viewing the Change Log
If the transaction has been edited, a blue flag will appear. Click it to open Change Log. This displays details of the changes, including date and user.

Amend Allocated Batch Transactions
If you have already allocated transactions, you can follow the section 'Simple Edits', above or if they are Batch Type, unallocate these transactions as follows:
- Go to GL > Transaction Browser.
- Find your transaction and click Edit.
- Click the pencil icon in the line you want to edit. This will open the Edit Invoice tab.
- In the Edit Invoice tab, you can edit the Date, GL Account Number, and BI Code. To see the original document, click the Invoice Number. When finished, clock Process edits.
- To unallocate the transaction, go to the View Allocations tab and click Unallocate. This button willl be greyed out if allocations are not possible
Viewing the Change Log
Edited transactions are flagged with a blue icon. Click on it to open the Change Log where you can view details.

For Auditing purposes, a spreadsheet record is attached to the Invoice via the Document Manager.

Note: Editing lines with common GL and BI Codes
In the Transaction Details, Invoice Lines that have common GL and BI Codes merge into one Line. However, once you click Edit Invoice these summarized lines expand back into individual lines. You can now amend the individual lines by using different GL and/or BI Codes. Likewise, if you amend Invoice Line’s GL and/or BI Codes to correspond with each other, the Lines will merge in Transaction Details.
Reverse Posted Transactions
It is only possible to reverse these transactions if they are in an Unallocated state. Therefore, if the transaction is allocated, then you must first unallocate it as described earlier.
Batch Type Transactions
- Go to AR > Batch Invoices or AP > Batch Invoices.
- In the grid, find the relevant Batch Invoice.
- In the Actions dropdown, select Reverse.
- Alternatively, click on the Batch Reference to open Transaction Details and click Reverse.
- When you Reverse a Batch Type transaction then you must enter a reason. Click OK to create a Reversal Transaction. The transaction will be marked as reserved in the grid.
Product Type Transactions
To reverse Product Type Transactions (PI/PN or SI/SN) you must Auto Debit or Auto Credit these transactions. Invoice or Credit Note cannot be reversed in a Closed Period.
- Go to AR > Item Invoices or AP > Item Invoices.
- In the grid, find your relevant Invoice.
- Go to Actions > Auto Debit or Auto Credit depending on the transaction type selected.
- Alternatively click on the Reference to open the transaction and click Auto Credit or Auto Debit.
- Click OK to accept. This creates a Reversal Transaction in the form of a Credit Note or Debit Note that matches the Item Invoice and all its line Items. The Debit/Credit Note is automatically allocated to the original Invoice.
- In the Invoices grid the Debit/Credit Note will appear with the same reference as the invoice you auto debited/credited but prefixed with ‘Debit’ / ‘Credit’ in front of the number. The auto debit will have a PN transaction type and the auto-credit the transaction type SN.
Reverse a Purchase Payment
To reverse the purchase payment made via bulk payment or Payment & Allocation, you can edit the amount of the payment to 0 and unallocate the payment from the invoice.
The steps to follow are:
- Go to GL > Transaction Browser.
- Find the PP transaction and click on Edit.
- In the View Allocations tab, click Unallocate.
- In the View Details tab, click on the pencil icon and change amount paid to 0.
- Click Process Edits.
Viewing the Change Log
A blue flag will appear next to this line in the Transaction Browser after the edit has been processed, so you can track which line has been updated after being posted. Click on it to view the Change Log.
The Change Log tab will keep track of the changes made.