Creating Sales Batch Invoices

Entering Batch Type Invoices (Credit Notes) into the System.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at November 2nd, 2023


Batch Invoicing is a short form of Invoice entry that requires no product movement or quantity detail. Each line in a Batch represents a single Customer Invoice. A batch can comprise one or multiple Invoices. Unlike in the Product Invoice process, Batches are posted directly to the Customer’s Account and the General Ledger.

This type of entry is ideal for recording charges and administration costs not associated with product management. 


The following tables should be set up before proceeding:

  • Customer Master Record
  • General Ledger Codes 
  • Currency Codes 
  • Tax Rates 

Keyboard Shortcuts

To allow for quick data entry you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the invoice:
  • TAB: Advances to the next cell in the grid
  • TAB + SHIFT: Goes back to the previous cell in the grid
  • ENTER: Advances to the next cell in the grid
  • F6: Use to make a copy of the current line and insert a new line with the same details. This is a useful function if you are creating payment records with similar details, such as recording several Receipts to the same General Ledger account but with different cheque references. 
  • F8: Use to delete the current line. If this does not work, try FN+F8.


Sales Batch Invoices Credit Notes (3.4) - AIQ Academy

How does Sales (Un-Ordered) Item Invoicing Work?‍ 
How does Sales Order Entry Work?
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 How do I use Code Maintenance to Control the Behaviour of the System?‍ 


The Batch Invoice Process

Go to Sales > Batch Invoices > New Batch Invoice to open the Batch Invoice screen.




Entering large batches of Invoices can be time-consuming. If the Internet connection fails during entry, you may get disconnected and have to log in again. To prevent data loss, batches are backed up line by line. When you log in again, recover the Batch by clicking New Batch Entry.

You can also save a batch in progress by exiting the program, without posting or clearing the batch, and returning to it later.


Complete the following:

  • Account: Select from the dropdown. This will auto-fill the customer’s defaults; General Ledger Code, Department Code, and Tax Code. If your customer does not already exist in the system, click + Add new Account and any defaults you add will be updated in the line. 
  • GL Acc: This comes from the Customer Master Record, under the Account Settings tab, but you can override it here.
  • BI Code: If you are using Extended Business Analysis, this comes from the Customer Master Record. Alternatively, enter a BI Code here. 

         How do I Implement Extended Business Analysis?‍ 

  • Date: This is the date of the transaction. It defaults to today’s date, but you can override it using the dropdown.
  • Ref: This identifies the transaction.
  • Description: Enter a description of the goods supplied.
  • Net Amt, VAT: The Net Amt is the amount before any VAT deductions. VAT comes from the Customer Master Record and represents the VAT percentage.
  • VAT (Tax) Amt: The VAT (Tax) amount is calculated from the VAT and the Net Amt. To override it, double-click in the field and enter a new amount in the dialog box. A warning will appear if this amount is more than 0.10 above the originally calculated value. This is only a warning and will not prevent posting. 


  • Line TotalThis is the sum of the Net Amt plus the VAT (Tax) Amt. It appears in both customer currency and base currency.
  • Exchange Rate: If the first Customer in the Batch is a Foreign Currency Customer, then the Exchange Rate field will show the Exchange Rate from the Currency table, but you can override this if necessary. The totals will also show both base and foreign currency values, using the exchange rate. You can only use one currency per Batch.

  • Sub Total: This is the net total of all the lines. It appears in both the Customer Currency and the Base Currency.
  • VAT (Tax) Total: This is the total VAT(tax) for all lines. It appears in both the customer currency and the Base Currency.
  • Total: This is the VAT (Tax) plus Net amounts of all the lines. It appears in both the customer currency and the Base Currency. A running Batch Total at the bottom of the screen functions as an offline Batch Control Total.
  • Clear Batch: If you have saved lines, when you open the screen, you can use Clear Batch to remove all the lines and start from a fresh screen. This will remove all the entries and you will not be able to retrieve them.

Manual Control for Batches

Before starting a Batch, it is best practice to manually add up all the Invoices in the Batch and produce Control Totals for the:

  • Net Amount.
  • Total VAT Amount.
  • Gross Amount. 

When you have finished entering your Batch, these manual Control Totals should agree with their computed counterparts. If they do not, then correct the relevant line entries by clicking in the fields. If there are missing lines, add them on to the end of the Batch. 

Posting the Batch

When finished, click Post Batch, and choose whether you would like to just post the batch or to post and print it. The Batch will then be cleared from the system. 

Unlike Item (Product) Sales Invoices, Batch Invoices are posted directly. Each line entry will update its respective Customer Account and General Ledger/Departmental Accounts. 


The Batch Invoice grid

Go to SalesBatch Invoices to view the posted Invoices.

The individual Invoices appear here for review. Each Line on the Batch is automatically numbered after posting.

Note the following columns:

  • Reference:  This is the system-generated audit trail transaction reference and you cannot change it. This is also the Ref. in the Transaction Browser after posting.
  • Int No:  This is the Internal Number of the transaction. In the case of Batch Invoices, this is a sequential number continuing from the last previous line of the Batch entry. 
  • External Reference:  This is the Ref. quoted on the Batch Line entry, such as the Customer identity.
  • Email: Click the email icon for the invoice you wish to email. In the Report Emailing screen, enter the details you want. Click Send Message.

  • Actions:  You can also choose from the following actions from the dropdown:
    • Mark as Disputed
    • Reverse
    • Create Sales Report


Edit Batch Invoices

  1. Go to Sales > Batch Invoices and find the relevant Invoice in the grid.

  2. Click on the Reference to view the line details.
  3. For the relevant Invoice, click the pencil icon and make the available edits.

  4. Click Process Edits.


How Do I Amend, Cancel or Delete Transactions?‍ 
