Batch Credit Notes are used to record any Credit Notes not related to returns or short deliveries of previously invoiced items. They are ideal for recording charges and administration costs not associated with Items.
Each line entered represents a separate credit note, which, unlike individual Item Credit Notes, is directly posted to the relevant Customer account and to the General Ledger. You can reuse an Batches can have multiple VAT (Tax) Codes, BI Codes, or General Ledger Codes. The same external reference can be used on multiple lines if they use different GL Codes.
Sales Batch Invoices Credit Notes (3.4) - AIQ Academy
Creating Sales Batch Credit Notes
Go to AR > Batch Invoices > New Batch Credit Note to open the Batch Credit Invoice screen.
Complete the following:
- Account: Select the Account Code for the line. Either use the dropdown or begin typing in the field. When you make a selection, the header information will be updated accordingly.
- GL Acc: This defaults from the Customer Master Record, along with the associated Description. However, you can override it here, which will also update the Description.
- BI Code: BI Codes are not mandatory. The BI Code comes from the Customer Master Record or if it does not have one, the General Ledger Account. However, you can override it here by selecting from the dropdown or searching in the field.
- Date: This is the Credit Note transaction date. It defaults to today’s date, but you can change it to a prior or future date. If you enter a Credit Note date which is greater than the current period in the General Ledger, you will receive a notification.
- Ref: You can enter a reference number for this Credit Note. You can group multiple lines as one transaction if they have the same Customer Code, Date, and reference, but different BI Codes or VAT Codes.
- Description: Enter a description of the Invoice. This will help identify the purpose of the invoice and assist with searching.
- Net Amt: This is value of the invoice before VAT (Tax).
- VAT (Tax): To override the default, select a different code from the dropdown. You can setup additional VAT (Tax) codes from the Setup > Codes Maintenance > Taxes.
VAT (Tax) Amt: The VAT (Tax) amount is calculated from the tax code’s rate and the net amount entered. To override it, double-click in the field and enter the new amount in the dialog box. A warning will appear if this amount is amended by more than 0.10 above the originally calculated value. This is only a warning and will not prevent posting. Click OK to proceed.
- To see transactions that have been posted with changes to the VAT (Tax) amounts, you can run the Tax Exceptions Report. Go to Reports > Report Manager> Tax Reports > Tax Exemptions Report.
- Line Total: This is the sum of the Net Amt plus the VAT (Tax) Amt.
Exchange Rate: If the batch you are entering is for foreign currency this will default from the Setup > Codes Maintenance > Currencies. However, you can override it here. This will update the base currency Sub Total, VAT (Tax) Total, and Total. The exchange rate entered here will determine the base currency value of this invoice when posted.
Batches of customers must have the same currency. If you try to enter in a customer in another currency, you will receive a warning message.
- Sub Total: This is the Net total of all the lines, in both the Customer Currency and the Base Currency.
- VAT (Tax) Total: This is the VAT (Tax) total of all the lines, in both the Customer Currency and the Base Currency.
- Total: This is the VAT (Tax) plus Net amounts of all the lines, in both the Customer Currency and the Base Currency.
- Clear Batch: This will remove all saved entries on the screen, and you will not be able to retrieve them again.
When finished, click Post Batch, and select either Post or Post & Print Credit Note.
Managing Sales Batch Credit Notes
Go to the AR > Batch Invoices listing grid.
To only see the Sales Batch Credit Notes, select SN in the Type column.
Editing Credit Notes
- Go to AR > Batch Invoices.
- Click on the Reference to open the Transaction Details screen.
- Click on the pencil icon and make the available edits. To reverse any edits, click on the blue arrow.
- Click Process Edits when finished.
- Click Process Edits.