You can add custom-designed fields in the Customer, Supplier, and Item Master Records used throughout the entire system.
You will need Administration Privileges to perform this task.
Managing Customer Master Records
New Custom Field
- Go to the relevant listing grid (AR, AP, or Items) and open the record by clicking the Code.
- Open the Custom Fields tab. In this example, we are going to add a Field called Billing Frequency to all our Customer Records.
- Click New Custom Field and fill in the required details.
- Field Name: Add the relevant title.
- Data Type: This can be either Text, Number or Date depending on what you want the system to validate.
- Is a Fixed List? Tick this if you want a dropdown with fixed values. If you do not tick this box, then, the data can be any text, number, or date, depending on the Data Type chosen.
- Click Add, followed by Save. You can add more Custom fields now or later.
Manage Custom Fields
Edit and Delete Custom Fields
- Click on Manage Custom Fields.
- Edit or delete values as needed and click Save.
Adding Custom Fields to the listing grids
In the relevant grid, click on the Add/Remove Columns icon. Drag the field you want from the left-hand column and place it in the relevant position in the right-hand column. Thereafter, it becomes available for filtering, sorting, and reporting in that grid.