Using Sales Receipts - Quick Entry

Enter sales receipts using the Quick Entry feature, saving you time.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 17th, 2024


Receipts - Quick Entry lets you post Sales Receipts to the Customer Account after customers settle their sales invoices. When you receive bank notifications of customer transfers, you should check for any customer receipts.

Receipts are managed via the use of lodgments that simplify the bank reconciliation process. A lodgment is a batch of customer cheques, given a specific reference number which will then be used in an actual Bank Lodgment. Several Lodgments can remain open for further additions until they are included in a reconciliation, after which they become unavailable for updating.  

Receipts - Quick Entry lets you:

  • Quickly record Receipts from Customers in batch mode without allocating them to outstanding transactions. You can record as many receipts in a batch as you need. 
  • Automatically post and a matching sales invoice if one does not already exist. When the receipts batch is then processed the system will automatically generate a sales invoice (SI) for the same amount as the receipt you've entered and allocate it to the receipt transaction. This is useful for recording cash sales, either directly to a customer account or to a sundry Cash Sales account or if you have received a receipt from a customer but have not already posted the matching sales invoice. 
  • Process the batch whenever you want. If you close the window, without processing the batch, it will be saved and will display when you reopen the program. 

Receipts - Quick Entry does not let you:

  • Allocate Sales Receipts against Sales Invoices (and other transactions) in the Customer’s Account.  This must take place separately. 
  • Avail of Receipt Discounts.
  • Process receipts from customer in currencies other than the selected bank's currency.

Use Sales Receipts and Allocations instead. 


Sales Receipts and allocations (3.7) - AIQ Academy

Using Bulk Payment Approval 

Processing Sales Receipts and Allocations 

Creating Bulk Payments 


Sales Receipts & Allocations

  1. In the blue banner, go to SalesReceipts – Quick Entry. 
  2. In the Customer Receipts – Quick Entry screen, complete the following:
    • Bank A/C: Select the Bank Account for which you are preparing this batch of Customer Receipts.
    • Batch Date: Enter the date of the batch. This will also be the default date of each receipt.
    • Rate of Exchange: For lodgments of Foreign Currency Receipts to your Foreign Currency Bank Accounts, enter the Rate of Exchange that you want to use for immediate General Ledger Postings in your Base Currency. This rate can be revised later.
    • Lodgment No: Record a lodgment reference number here. This can be used to group payments for bank reconciliation purposes. You can enter a previously used lodgment reference here and this set of receipts will be added to it (Only if required in the case of Cheques). 

      Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated
    • Add Bank Charges: If you know in advance of any Bank charges which might be levied against this batch of receipts, you can click Add Bank Charges to open a related Bank Credit Journal. The standard System Account for Bank Charges is 4100. 

  3. Use either of these where needed:
    • Clear Batch: Click here to delete all lines. Do this if you wish to create a new batch and discard the existing one.
    • Print Batch: Print out a report showing the current contents of the grid.
  4. Enter the details of each of the Customer Receipts making up the Batch. If you receive payments from Customers without an Invoice, click Auto Invoice to create and post a corresponding automatically allocated Invoice for the Receipt. 
  1. Next either:
    • Click Save to leave without processing a batch and return to it later. 
    • Click Process Batch to post the receipts, and any auto-generated Invoices, to their respective Customer Accounts. This will generate Sales Receipt (SR) Transactions for each line entered.