Marking an Invoice as Disputed

Marking Invoices as "Disputed" to progress or to ensure they are excluded from payment runs.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at December 14th, 2023


You can flag Sales and Purchase Invoices as disputed, resulting in them being highlighted in the Aged Reports and Supplier (Vendor) Bulk Payments. This might be for a Purchase / Sales Invoice where the goods received are in dispute or the amount is incorrect. 

You can flag Purchase and Sales Invoices (Item or Batch) even if already posted and in the Customer / Supplier (Vendor) account.


Purchase Item Invoice (4.2) - AIQ Academy

Creating Purchase Item Debit Notes 


Marking an Invoice as Disputed

  1. For Item Invoices, go to Purchases > Item Invoices and find your Invoice.

For Batch Invoices, go to PurchasesBatch Invoices and find your Invoice.


  1. Under Actions, select Mark as Disputed and click OK

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  1. You can add an Is Disputed column to the Item Invoices grid to quickly see your disputed Invoices. Click Add/Remove Columns. Under Selected Columns, select Is Disputed and click the left arrow (>).




Disputed Invoices in Supplier Bulk Payments 

Go to Purchases > Bulk Payments and find your payment. 

When you then open your Bulk Payment, any disputed Purchase Invoice will be marked with a grey triangle and cannot be included in a payment run until it is undisputed.

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Disputed Invoices in Payments & Allocations 

In the blue bar, go to PurchasesPayments & Allocations. Under the Disp. Column, any disputed Invoices will have a red flag.



Disputed Invoices in Sales Item and Batch Invoices

  1. Go to Sales > Item Invoices or Batch Invoices and find your transaction.
  2. Under Actions, select Mark as Disputed and click OK

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Disputed Invoices in Receipts & Allocations 

In the blue bar, go to SalesReceipts & Allocations. Under the Disp. Column, any disputed Invoices will have a red flag.

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Disputed Invoices and Reporting

To show the disputed Purchase invoices:

  • Go to Reports > Report Manager Purchase Reports > Supplier (Vendor) Invoices Due.

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To show the disputed Sales Invoices:

  • Go to Reports > Report Manager Sales Reports > Sales Invoices Due.

Clearing a Dispute

  1. Go to Sales > Item Invoices and find your Invoice.
  2. Under Actions, select Clear Dispute and click OK.

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  1. Go to General > Transaction Browser and find your Invoice.
  2. Under Actions, select Undispute and click OK.
