Price lists allow you to maintain customised prices. You can create Price Lists with alternative Prices and Price structures and use them for:
- Certain groups of Customers: Prices associated with items can vary on a customer-by-customer basis. Once a price list is set up and assigned to a customer record, it overrides any price categories already assigned to that customer account. These prices and discounts will display on any Invoices.
- Promotions: You can sell specified Products at a different Price for a period. This can also be used to create promotional prices that only apply on specific dates for specific customers.
- Specific products/services
- Volume Pricing and Discounting.
Price Lists cater to different currencies, allowing you to maintain the price of the items in the customer currency.
Info: Browser Compatibility
To use price lists, you must set up your browser in IE mode.
Creating Price Lists
- In the blue banner, go to Items > Maintain Price Lists > New Price List.
- In Maintain Price Lists, you can set up as many different Price Lists as you wish, each identified by an alphanumeric Code. The screen shows any previous Price lists set up. To create a new Price List, click New.
- Enter a Code and Description for this price list and click on Process.
- The price list will now appear in the listing. Click on the Edit ellipses.
- Add price details as follows:
- Item, Account: You can enter your Items and Customer accounts by entering a "?" into the field and pressing the Tab or Enter key. This displays the full list of your Items / Customers. Alternatively, if you know the code of the Item / Customer, you can enter this and then tab or enter to move to the next field.
- Description: This comes from the previous step.
- From Qty: You can enter your minimum quantity from which this special price for the Customer and Item will start.
- Currency: This is the base currency.
- Unit Price, Discount: If you enter a value in both fields, you will receive the warning shown below, indicating that you can override a price or add a Discount percentage, but not both.
- Start Date, End Date: You can specify a Start Date and an End Date. This can be forever if you want to apply special Prices or Discounts to specific Customers. The Start Date can be in the past.
- Active: Tick for this Line to be active and applied to your Sales Invoice.
- Click Process.
Editing a Price List
To edit the Description, click on the Code, make the required changes and click Process.
To edit the prices, click on the Edit ellipses, make the required changes and click Process.

Associating a Customer with a Price List
- To open the Customer Master Record, go to AR > Customers and find the relevant account in the listing grid.
- In the Finance Settings tab, complete the following fields:
- Price Category: This is mandatory and determines which one of the eight Price Categories is for this Customer. It is inherited from Customer Defaults but can be changed at new Customer setup stage. This determines the Price for each Product at Order or Invoice stage, but you can override it at that time.
Price List: This is optional. If left blank, then the Price Category for the Customer determines the Prices at Order/Invoice stage. If, however, it contains a valid entry from the list of Price Lists then the system will use this field to examine the Price List in question to see if a Promotional Price or some other special Price arrangement applies instead.
- Click Save. Now when you select the customer with a linked price list, the values set up in the price list will appear in the Qty and Unit Price fields.