Suppliers Data Importer

Learn how to import supplier data quickly and accurately, to ensure you have the most up-to-date information.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 3rd, 2024


The Data Importer lets you populate predefined Excel templates and import them into AccountsIQ. It can clear data or import or add to existing system data. The Import Templates are available in Office 97-2003 and Office 2007 formats. 

  The Data Importer can import: 

  • Static information such as Chart of Accounts, VAT (Tax) Codes, and BI Codes.
  • Existing Supplier (Vendor) or Customer records for company setup, including codes, names, addresses, contacts, and bank details. 
  • Transactional information such as invoices or payroll journals.




If you wish to use this tool, please contact your local support team. If you have not used this before you will have to undergo training and assistance to ensure you have the knowledge and skills to use the tool effectively.

Any user can have access to the data importer if their user profile is set with that permission. For more on user permissions, see Managing Group and Entity Users‍. User role then determines the range of available imports. Admin users have access to the full suite, while Users only have access to a subset.


The Data importer lets you import suppliers. You can choose from two different options:

  • Import Supplier Accounts: The import supplier accounts option is only used during onboarding because it overwrites all existing supplier data, including transactions. 
  • Add to Supplier Accounts: This adds additional suppliers to the existing records, keeping all data.

Guidelines for successful importing 

Check database setup

Before importing data, ensure that the client database has been created correctly using the company setup wizard and that the correct currencies, financial year, and client locale were selected. Verify this in the main system in advance of importing data.

Use separate templates for each company.

You must download the Import Templates from each company individually. We do not recommend importing data using a template from a different company as this company may have a different setup. 

Use newly downloaded templates each time

Use a newly downloaded template each time as it will contain any changes made in the system, for example, updates to the General Ledger codes, Supplier defaults, or Customer information. Make sure you download the Import Templates from the correct database.


 26.1 - Getting Started with Data Importers

26.7 - Importing Suppliers

BI Code Importer‍ 

Bank Accounts Importer‍ 

Customer Data Importer‍ 
Chart of Accounts Data Importer‍ 

Items Data Importer ‍ 

Trial Balance and Banks Importer‍ 

Opening Financial Position Importer‍ 

Transactions Data Importer‍ 


Preparing Templates

When completing a worksheet, always read the instructions provided.

  1. Go to Setup > Data Importer > Start Suppliers.

  2. Click Next for either:
    • Import Supplier Accounts: This completely replaces the existing suppliers, deleting all existing data. Either choose a blank template for first imports or a prepopulated templates to view and check existing supplier data.
    • Add to Supplier Accounts: This adds additional suppliers to the existing records, keeping all data. 
  1. Click Download File and save the file as a Microsoft Excel Macro-enabled file (.xlsm format).  
  1. Open the file. If Macros are not enabled, click Enable Content.
    Graphical user interface, application, Word Description automatically generated   
  2. Fill in the required template, following the Guidelines for Data Entry (see below). For details on each worksheet, see the relevant Suppliers template section in this article:
    • Suppliers: Only the Suppliers worksheet is mandatory. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*) on the column header. Leave other fields blank to use the supplier default or populate with required data.
    • Contacts: Use this to import contacts to new or existing suppliers.
    • Additional Fields: All other field headings are listed in the Additional Fields worksheet. Copy and paste any fields that you want to import to the Suppliers worksheet.
  3. Save the file.

Guidelines for Data Entry

Follow these guidelines before you import the data. The data must be prepared appropriately before attempting to import.


  • The import tool cannot accept data prepared from any other workbook format. It must be downloaded from the Setup > Data Importer
  • Download the template from the entity that you want to import data into.
  • Complete each field according to any requirements provided in the worksheet.
  • Do not change column headings or worksheet names. 
  • Do not delete any columns in the existing worksheets.
  • Do not leave any mandatory columns or rows blank.
  • Where there are dropdowns, always select an option.  

Formatting non-numerical data: 

  • Do not use special characters (e.g., apostrophes, ampersands, accents, etc.).
  • Save non-numerical data according to the requirements example, for example, save dates using the date format.
  • Ensure that dates are valid.

Formatting numerical data: 

  • Use the ‘Paste Values’ option when pasting data into the template. This will eliminate any formulas used to calculate those values.
  • For negative financial figures, use a minus sign.
  • Values must be two decimals. Round the values to two decimals before pasting them into the template (use the =ROUND () Excel formula).
  • Ensure that there are no totals added to the bottom of any worksheet.
  • Ensure that the financial information is accurate.  

Suppliers Template



If you would like to use the intercompany module, you must add intercompany suppliers in this worksheet.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) on the column header are mandatory.

All other fields can be completed or left blank. 

  • To complete them, check the codes and the codes maintenance screen or the chart of accounts listing. 
  • If you leave them blank, the supplier system defaults will be used. However, we do not recommend this approach in all fields unless all your suppliers have the same settings and terms. If you do opt for this approach, first ensure that all defaults have been set up correctly in the entity. 
Field Names
Data Type (Length)
Example Text
Supplier Code Text (50)
Y   Do not use spaces or special characters apart from a dash. 
Supplier Name Text (50) Y    The supplier name must not exceed 50 characters. 
Currency Code Enter Code N
  Leave blank to use supplier default
Bank GL Account Enter GL Code N
  Leave blank to use supplier default
GL Account Enter GL Code

Control GL Code Enter GL Code supplier default
Leave blank to use supplier default, or enter GL code
Payment Details & Credit Terms_Credit Term Enter Code supplier default   Leave blank to use supplier default or check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance
Payment Details & Credit Terms_Payment Method Enter Code     If you would like to use bulk payments, you must complete the supplier payment method. These can be found in Codes Maintenance.
Tax Settings_Use Tax Code Yes/No   Yes  

Contacts Template

This worksheet is optional. The contacts added here will appear on supplier invoices only. Use this worksheet to store the names of individuals or specific departments, not companies. Like the Suppliers worksheet, the sample data should be deleted after completion. 

  • Account Code, Contact Name: If you do add contacts, the supplier codes and contact name are mandatory. The supplier code must match the corresponding supplier code in the Suppliers worksheet. 
  • Other Details: Complete the job title, phone, e-mail, notes, and primary contact as fits your needs, referring to the examples given. Note that only one contact per supplier can be primary.

 Additional Fields Template

The additional fields worksheet lets you add further fields to the supplier worksheets. It contains a list of heading options that you can copy and paste into the Suppliers worksheet. All of these are optional, but we recommend adding the supplier bank details as they will be required in bulk payments. 

For your reference, the worksheet contains sample data of each of the headings in the required format. 

Field Names
Data Type (Length)
Example Text
Account on Hold 0-2   0 0 for not on hold; 1 for deliveries on hold; 2 for orders and deliveries on hold
Business Address_Address 1 Text (50)   15 Heart Road  
Business Address_Address 2 Text (50)   Blackrock  
Business Address_City Text (50)   Dublin  
Business Address_County State Text (50)   County Dublin  
Business Address_Post Code Text (50)   A94 EO45  
Business Address_Country Code Text (50)   IE short (2 letter country code)
Business Address_Country Text (50)   Ireland  
Business Contacts_Email Address Text (50) separate different email addresses with semi colon or comma
Business Contacts_Website Text (50)  
Business Contacts_Telephone Text (50)   125/125-1234 enter ' to include the leading 0
Business Contacts_Fax Text (50)   125/125-1234 enter ' to include the leading 0
Business Contacts_Mobile Text (50)   055/125-1234 enter ' to include the leading 0
Delivery Address_Name Text (50)   ABC Limited  
Delivery Address_Address 1 Text (50)   15 Heart Road  
Delivery Address_Address 2 Text (50)   Blackrock  
Delivery Address_City Text (50)   Dublin  
Delivery Address_County State Text (50)   County Dublin  
Delivery Address_Post Code Text (50)   A94 EO45  
Delivery Address_Country Text (50)   Ireland  
Delivery Settings_Ship Via Enter Code     check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance
Delivery Settings_Priority Enter Code     check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance
Account Dimensions_Area Enter Code     check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance
Account Dimensions_Account Group Enter Code     check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance>GL Groups
Account Dimensions_BI Code Enter Code     check code from Analysis>BI Codes
Purchase Ordering_Order Required Yes/No
Bank Details_Bank Account No Text (50)   12345678 enter the bank account number, do not include spaces or delimiters such as "-"
Bank Details_IBAN Text (50)   IE91BOFI900017999999  
Bank Details_Bank Sort Text (50)   123456 enter the bank account sort code, do not include spaces or delimiters such as "-"
Bank Details_Bank Swift Code Text (50)   IRCEIE2DEPA  
Default Approver  Approver email
Exclude from Approval  Yes/No
Payment Details & Credit Terms_Credit Limit Enter Code     check code from Setup>Codes Maintenance
Pricing & Discount Settings_Discount 0-1   0.5 enter the percentage discount as a decimal e.g., for 10%, enter 0.10
Pricing & Discount Settings_Is Franchisee Yes/No   Yes  
Tax Settings_Use Tax Code Yes/No   Yes  
Tax Settings_VAT No Text (50)   123456  
Tax Settings_VAT Exempt Ref Text (50)   VATEX  
Tax Settings_Contractor Tax Code Enter Code


Import Template


Info: Group Companies

Create individual templates for each subsidiary that you want to import into. Do not import Suppliers into the Group Consolidation Entity.

Step One: Import the Data File

  1. Go to Setup > Data Importer > Start > Suppliers.
  2. Click Next for the relevant option.

  3. Click Browse to find your saved template.

  4. Click Import.

Step Two: Validation

The import file will be validated.

  • If there are any errors, an error message will appear, along with an error file. Download this file. It includes a new sheet, Import Errors, and a copy of the import file. This shows a summary of all errors found during validation, together with a link to the fields causing the error and the actual error message. 
  • Click on each link to see details of the error, cells causing the error will be highlighted in red with a note showing further details (hover over the highlighted cell to see the detailed message).
  • Correct all errors and re-import the file as described in step two above. You can make corrections directly in the error file.

When all errors are corrected, confirm the following:

Import Supplier Accounts Template:

The system will give you a final warning that all data is about to be deleted. This means all data will be permanently deleted, you should only proceed with this option if you are happy to delete all the following:

  • Orders
  • Deliveries
  • Invoices and Attachments
  • Payments and Allocations
  • Purchase Journals
  • Payments

Next you will be asked to enter your login details or, if you use SSO, follow the process outlined here: 

  1. Click Verify Identity.

  2. Enter the OTP that was sent to your email.
    A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated
  3. Click Continue to confirm the import.

Add Supplier Accounts Template:

No data is deleted when using the Add Supplier Accounts option. If you include any existing data in the template, the template will not be imported, and duplicated accounts will be highlighted in the error file.

Step Three: Check the Imported Data in the system.

You will receive a confirmation message if the import is successful. 

Check that the suppliers are correct by downloading a prepopulated template. If you only need to make a few changes, this can be done manually in the system. If you have more changes to make, perform another import using the import supplier account option again. Remember, if any supplier has no associated transactions, it can still be deleted at this stage.



I can't see the notes in the error file.

You can control the appearance of notes in Excel:

  1. Go to File > Options > Advanced.
  2. Scroll down to the display settings. We recommend you select the "Indicators only, and comments and notes on hover" option. This lets you see detailed notes on errors when you hover over highlighted cells.

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