New Look UI FAQs - Beta

Discover more about our latest UI release.

Written By Grainne Reidy (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 3rd, 2025

Testing the new UI

Why can't I see the toggle in my entity?

Entity level only users will not see the toggle. 


User and Entity Management

How do I log into an entity?

Click on the blue Entity ID.


Can I have both Group and Entity Users in the new UI?

In the new UI, it will only be possible to create and manage users at group level. When you create users, the assigned Profile is the only one user can have across all entities:

If you previously set up the same user at both group and entity level with different profiles, consider using their group level profile in all entities. In the new UI, if you update the profile in the Add Group Users screen, these changes will be inherited in any entities assigned to that user. 

For more details, see sections 4 and 5 in Setting Up System Users.

Ensure that all profiles needed are available at in the group entity. In the Entities tab, select Maintain Menu Profiles in the Actions dropdown: 

Then in each entity, you can copy the profiles from the group entity and customise them by checking or unchecking the permissions against each profile:

For more details, see sections 3 in Setting Up System Users.

Likewise, because users in the new UI can only be created at group level, their User Role (Admin/User) will be the same in all entities:


How can I switch between entities in the new UI?

Navigate to the top-left and either search by name or ID or select the entity from the dropdown.


Can I have multiple companies open in different tabs? 

No, instead open a new window in your browser or open an additional browser.


Help Hub, Support, and Learning

Do we need Help Hub to access the release portal?

No, the toggle button sits at the top-right of the screen, outside of Q Hub.


Where is the Help Hub in the new UI?

The Q Hub is now the question-mark icon at the top right of the screen.


Can I still raise a ticket in the new UI?

Simply click on the question-mark icon at the top of your screen and go to Raise A Case. Raise a ticket as normal. See Accessing Support and Services for more details.


Will the training videos be updated?

Yes, over time.  Help articles are already being updated. Many pop-up screens have the same structure, so the new interface changes should have minimal impact.


Impact on saved Settings, Preferences, and Data

Where is my company logo?

In the new look UI, company logos are only shown on reports.


Where are the Company Details & Settings menu items now?

Company Settings, Invoice Customisation, and Import/Export Data are now in the Settings tab.

Manage Financial Periods is now in the GL tab.

Manage 2FA is now under your profile in the top-right.


Will the new UI impact my current settings?

No, all your settings will remain as you set them.


Will the new UI impact integrations?

No, all integrations will work as normally.


Will my existing saved reports appear in the new user interface?

Yes, they will.


Will all the data be transferred over - bank balances, etc.?

Yes - the data is not moving we are just providing a new interface to use. 


Menus, Search, and Favourites

How do I use the search bar?

Click on the search icon in the top-right corner or enter “/” on your keyboard.

In the search bar, the last three search items will appear automatically.

Each search term has an icon for either:

  •  Listing grid
  • New record
  • Dashboard
  • Report

Add the item to your favourites by clicking the star icon. It will appear in favourites for easy access.


How do I add favourites?

Open the sub menu, hover over relevant sub menu item and click the star. The selected item will then be added to your favourites menu.


Can the side menu bar order be re-organised per user, for example with GL at the top?

No - and the modules available will be based on your user permissions. 


Using the Listing Grids

How do I add new records (customers/suppliers/items/journals etc.)?


  • Navigate to the sub menu and hover over the record type you want to add click on the plus sign.

  • Navigate to the sub menu and select the record type you want to add. In the new screen, click the blue button to create a record.


Will my current listing grid preferences be retained in the new UI?

Yes, they will.


Can the listing grid columns be resized?

Yes, you can now resize our grid columns. Hover over the columns until you see horizontal re-sizing arrows and resize as needed. Your resized grids will be saved automatically.


Where is More Actions option found in the new UI?

More Actions is represented by three horizontal dots. It is usually next to the record code on the left.


In in the listing grids, how can I quickly view full entries?

Hover over the item to view the full entry.