Bulk Price Update allows you to update your Item Prices individually or in groups without having to open each Product Master Record. This is useful if you have a large product catalogue and need to apply many price updates to a range of products at one time.
Add or Edit Service / Non-Stock Items (5.1) - AIQ Academy on Vimeo
Updating prices in bulk
- To perform bulk price updates, either:
- Go to Items > Services/Non Stock Items > New Bulk Update.
- Go to Items > Product Item > New Bulk Update.
- In Item Bulk Update click Grid Options > Customize Grid. Select the fields you want to display in the grid. Then drag and drop the fields you wish to view or update onto the grid. You could show multiple price categories that you created and apply price updates to a selection of these e.g., set retail price to be trade price plus 10%.
- Use the filters at the top of each column to refine the items shown in the grid below if you need to apply updates to a specific set of items only.
- Next update prices individually or in bulk.
Update Items Individually
To update prices on an individual basis, enter new prices in the appropriate fields. The new price will be automatically saved as you exit the field. Prices entered must be positive (i.e >= 0.00) and entered in base currency.
Bulk Update
To update prices as a group, go to the dropdowns at the top of the screen.
- In Select What To Change, select the price field to update.
- Use Select How To Change It to indicate the method by which the selected price should be changed. For example, you can choose to increase/decrease price by a percentage or fixed amount. Percentages are expressed as decimals, for example 2%. equals 2.00. If you choose to Increase or Decrease by a fixed amount, the ‘by’ field will change from a percentage to an amount field.
- Use Based On indicate which field should be used as the basis for the price update. For example, you may wish to increase your standard price by the current average cost of the product plus 10%.
- In by enter the required price change. Depending on the method chosen, this can either be a percentage or flat (i.e. fixed) amount. Values must be positive and recorded in base currency.
- Check Round to set how the new updated prices will round. The options are to round up, round down, or round to the nearest value. If you choose the later, you can choose to round to the nearest number or multiple of a selected value. For example, you could add 30% to 2.00, round to nearest 1.00 and adjust by -.01 to give an end price of 2.99.
- When you have made your selection, click on Bulk Update to apply the price updates to the filtered dataset. A message will appear confirming the specific changes to be applied and the number of records affected. Note that all changes are permanent and cannot be undone after processing.
A Ticket Flag next to an Item (in the left column) means that this Item has a connected Price List that may also require editing.