Please check you are logging in from the correct login page. If you are not set up on a login page, you will be unable to log in and will not receive an email notification.
Legacy Login
Legacy login users can reset their password via the login screen, in the system or get their admin to send a reset.
Option One: From the Login screen
- From the Login page, click the Forgotten your password link.

- Enter your CompanyID, username, and email address, and click RESET PASSWORD.
- You will receive an email containing a reset link. If the email does not come to your inbox, check your Junk/Spam folder. Click the link.
- In the password reset screen, enter your new password. Passwords must be of a minimum of 8 characters in length and contain a number, a capital letter, and a symbol like $ £ € ! or similar to be strong. When you enter a strong password, it will show as green.
- Click Change Password. You will receive a confirmation message.
- Log in with your new password.
Option Two: In the System
Go to Setup > Change my Password and reset it there. This will not become unavailable if you switch to SSO.
Option Three: System Admin reset
If you are still unable to reset your password manually or have not received the reset email, contact your admin and they can do the following:
- In the group layer, go to the Users tab.
- In the associated Actions dropdown, select Edit.

- Click Send password reset email to user.

SSO Login
SSO login users can reset their password via the login screen or get their admin to send a reset.
Option One: From the Login screen
This option comes from your IDP.
- Click Continue with Microsoft.

- Enter your email and click Log In. This email must match what is registered in your account or the login will fail.

- Enter Forgotten my password.

Option Two: System Admin reset
If you are still unable to reset your password manually or have not received the reset email, contact your admin and they can do the following:
- In the group layer, go to the Users tab.
- In the associated Actions dropdown, select Edit.

- Click Send password reset email to user.